MD2's MDM solution offers mechanisms for collecting, organizing, enriching, unifying customer data (360º View of the customer) and products and distribution for other strategic applications such as CRM, BI, BA, Machine Learning, Chatbots, Campaign Automation, Customer Service , etc, or even feedback from operating and tactical systems. Data may be distributed across different platforms and data silos and may have different types and formats. MD2 is the national leader in Master Data Management solution deployments.
MD2's MDM solution offers mechanisms for collecting, organizing, enriching, unifying customer data (360º View of the customer) and products and distribution for other strategic applications such as CRM, BI, BA, Machine Learning, Chatbots, Campaign Automation, Customer Service , etc, or even feedback from operating and tactical systems. Data may be distributed across different platforms and data silos and may have different types and formats. MD2 is the national leader in Master Data Management solution deployments.

MD2's Team of Experts is ready to help you choose the most appropriate and best tools for your company to stand out in the market.
MD2's Team of Experts is ready to help you choose the most appropriate and best tools for your company to stand out in the market.
Data governance: a gold
mine for your company
By MD2 Consultoria
The term "data governance" has become increasingly common in the business world, but in some situations, little is understood about the real importance attached to this concept. To be more clear, let's align: data governance is nothing more than the way to manage processes, customers, policies, guidelines, and technologies employed within your company, in order to generate valuable information for your business. You can also understand data governance as data asset management, a way to manage and verify the usability of the data circulating in your company.
Information, if well consolidated and evaluated, can be a great gold mine for the management of organizations, from the smallest to the largest companies, because the analysis of information can deliver the points of necessary improvement and the points of risk in your company, for example. This analysis can also contribute to the assertive identification of customers and possible indications of up-sell or cross-sell, which is reflected in better sales and, of course, profit. Not to mention the importance of data control within the LGPD guidelines.
The lack, or non-existence of a good and strategic data governance can generate a history of bad data (information), weakening decision making and hindering the execution of internal planning within the company. This is reflected in duplicate information, with typing errors, missing or incomplete fields, impacting all sectors of the company, after all, how to understand and validate data that is not accurate? This issue becomes even more detrimental when it involves the waste of time of employees who, due to a lack of data governance, end up contacting the same customer twice, sending an email with the wrong name, or worse: customer and employee data are leaked due to some error in management.
A proper data governance project is the tool you need to collect all the gold in your company. This is the opportunity to define the fundamental processes so that all employees (and all branches) have the most accurate information at hand. Controlling what's going on in your database is a critical item for maintaining the health (physical, moral, and financial) of your company and for being diligent with LGPD.
If your company needs database organization and effective, efficient and agile governance, contact our team and schedule a meeting.